Friday, January 27, 2012

RockStar Gazette 1/27

The RockStar Gazette
Mark Your Calendars:

2/1 Field Trip Capitol Bldg- 3rd-8th grade
2/16 Family Fun Math Night 6:30-8:00
3/7 Ben’s RockStars Community Circle

Old Calendars-  Time to get rid of old calendars!  (and greeting cards)  Please send them to school with your child.  We can never have enough of them so if friends, family or neighbors are tossing them out, please send those, too.  We use them throughout the year for a huge variety of projects. 

Field Trip and Resource Ideas- We have been studying Idaho History, Native American, and Pioneer Studies.  I’d love to hear any of your ideas for meaningful field trips or if you know guest speakers and/or other resources that could help us be hands on with these units.

Math-  In 3rd grade, we are studying perimeter and area.  We work to place all of this in the context of real life situations and word problems.  Do any of you use math in your careers?  Would you like to come in and share about it in our math class?  Math is from 9-10am.  Please email me to schedule a time.  Thank you!

Family Fun Math Night- On Thursday, February 16, 2012 DaVinci Charter School will again be opening our classroom doors and sharing some fun math experiences with students and their families. Please let me know if you, or anyone you know, would like to assist on this night.

Capitol Day for Charter Schools- DaVinci Charter School will be participating in this event by bussing all 3rd through 8th grade students.  “The Coalition of Idaho Charter School Families proudly announces our 2012 Capitol Day event in Boise on Wednesday, February 1st! This is your opportunity to speak directly with your elected officials in Boise and let them know how important the continuation of public charter and public virtual schools are to our children as well as to the over 7,500 Idaho students and their families who are not able to benefit from charter and virtual school public education in Idaho. They cannot because of existing caps and other limitations. This year we have added four educational models to Capitol Day. This is a fun and educational way to introduce our children to the workings of state government and the legislative process.”
·        Lunch provided
·        Dress WARM we will be outside multiple times throughout the day
·        Educational Modules
·        Opportunity to meet and talk to your elected officials representatives; and
·        Demonstrations for key state leaders
We will be leaving right at 9am so please be on time!

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