Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Rockstar Gazette

Fall Festival:  Friday, 10/28/11 from 2-3PM
The children will not be wearing their costumes to school but they will be allowed to get ready at school. Please use your best judgment when sending them to school on this day, obviously if the costume requires green pants or something that can be worn for the whole day that will not be a distraction, then they can wear it. Remember the costumes need to represent one of the 5R’s. For example Superman is responsive to the needs of the people in the city and Princesses are responsible for the care of their kingdom etc…

Family Goal Night!
I still need quite a few parent letters back, this was your “homework” from Family Goal Night. If you missed Family Goal Night I will be sending some work home for you to catch up on as a family. The work will be a Parent and Child Goal Sheet and some instructions on how to write your child a letter. I will need this work returned to me ASAP. Please send the parent letter back in an envelope for your child, that way it will be a surprise for them on Family Teacher Conference.

What Is Going On?
Our class has been working on the symbols of Idaho, the scientific method, spelling groups, writing rough drafts in our journals, News Team, becoming familiar/how to manipulate numbers and lots of reading games.

New Location by Bella Williams
The Da Vinci Charter School has a new location. Surprisingly, it is not so bad. We have full walls, so if we want to we can sing opera as loud as we want (just kidding). We have a lovely dirt patch for a playground. We have a great big dirt mound/sand pit, so we need to wear tennis shoes. Our schools new location is on Glenwood across from the Boise Hawks Stadium. We don’t have a water fountain near us anymore, so parents unless you want your child to go thirsty PLEASE get them a water bottle. We are staying in portables until our school is built. I love our new location!

Joke Time by Quinton Antoniuk
What were the pennies talking about?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                answer:  I don’t know but I think they were making cents                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

What do you get from a vampire that lives at The North Pole?                                                                                                                                                      Answer:  frost bite                                                        

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